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1. No one will be allowed in the swimming area unless the pool
is officially open and a lifeguard is up on the guard stand. Entry
upon the pool premises when it is not open for public use is
trespassing and will be punished accordingly.

2. Sunset Cove Country Club assumes no liability for injuries or
damages arising from the results of participation. All activities
present certain inherent risks and hazards which the participant
assumes. ** Every member and guest must have a signed
waiver on file before entering the pool**

3. Any injury occurring in the pool area must be reported to the
pool management immediately

4. Members must check in up entry to the pool. Guests check-in,
fees and waiver signed must be completed before entering the

5. Guards have the authority to enforce all pool rules. Patrons who
repeatedly violate the rules may be denied use of the pool
complex by the Manager.

6. No street clothes are allowed in the pool. Pool users must wear
swimming suits or swimming trunks upon entry into the pool.
Clothing such as cut-offs, gym shorts, and underwear are not
permitted as swimwear. Clean swim shirts (non-cotton) may be
worn for modesty or medical reasons.

**Please remember this is
a family-friendly pool**

7. Children under 15 entering the pool complex must be
accompanied and actively supervised at the poolside by a

responsible adult, 18 years old or older. Children requiring any
swimming assistance device needs to have a responsible adult,
18 years old or older in the water with them at all times.
8. Children that are “able” to swim, will be required to take a swim
test on their first visit to the pool for the year. (Or any time the lifeguard requires)

9. Non-swimmers must remain in shallow water (chest deep or

10. NO DIVING- Anywhere in the pool.

11. Food or refreshments may be consumed only in designated
areas. All trash must be placed in designated trash cans.

12. Gum chewing is not permitted anywhere in the pool.

13. Glass containers, alcoholic beverages, drugs, and pets are not
permitted in the pool complex. An exception will be made for
service dogs as required

14. Sunset Cove Country Club is not responsible for personal
property or valuables at any time.

15. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be
permitted in the pool complex or any Park property.

16. Smoking/vaping is NOT permitted anywhere in the pool
complex. All smoking must be done at least 50 feet from the
nearest entrance or fence.

17. No person within the pool complex shall behave in such a
manner as to jeopardize the safety, health, and enjoyment of
himself/herself and others. Doing so is grounds for expulsion.

18. Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics,
dunking, wrestling, splashing, yelling, diving, or jumping
haphazardly, snapping of towels, abusive or profane language,

improper conduct causing undue disturbances in or about the
pool area or any acts which would endanger any patron are
grounds for expulsion.

19. Headphones must be worn when listening to music or
entertainment devices.

20. Spitting, spouting of water, blowing nose or urinating in the
pool is prohibited.

21. Any person having a skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes,
cold, nasal or ear discharge, communicable disease, or who is
wearing any kind of bandage or Band-Aid will not be permitted in
the pool.

22. Anyone not toilet-trained (incontinent) who wishes to enter the
pool must wear a clean disposable swim pants covered by your
regular bathing suit, all of which, must fit snugly around the legs
and waist. Disposable diapers are not allowed. If the swim pants
become soiled, this person must leave the pool immediately, and
may not return until he/she has properly cleaned off and has
clean swimsuit and new swimming diaper. For health reasons
please change all diapers, off deck, in the changing rooms or
locker rooms.

23. Prior to entering the pool complex, any patron requiring
special accommodations must inform the Pool Manager of his/her

24. Toys, balls, noodles and dive toys will be permitted at the
discretion of the manager/lifeguard.
The following is not prohibited in the pool at any time:
-Rafts -Hardballs -Water guns
- Hanging on ropes/ladders -Chicken fighting


25. Pools will be cleared of all youths seventeen years of age
and under for fifteen minutes prior to each hour for a rest period.

26. During storms, pools will be closed and the entire area
cleared of patrons at the discretion of the life guard/pool manager.
Patrons are encouraged to seek shelter in their car, bathhouse,
etc. The pool will be cleared when:
ï‚· Thunder is heard
ï‚· Lightning is seen
ï‚· The bottom of the pool is obscured due to
the rain.

The pool will stay clear for 30 minutes after each lightning
strike/thunder or until the rain/thunder subsides.




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